Easter 2023

"Prayer at Valley Forge" Arnold Friberg

Vandalized Memorial of George Washington Portland, Oregan June 19, 2020
George Washington, along with other significant indviduals in American History have been persecuted for their human faults and their memorials have become victims of the American Iconoclasts. Let us remember in these difficult times that no man is God or is above God. As we pray for America let us be mindful of John Adams' admonition: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams
Will the blood of America's Patriots be in vain? Or will we resist the demands to fault America for all that is wrong in the world and instead honor and respect our unique and Godly heritage? Time will tell, but today, let us pray for the hand of God on America and thank him for our Florida Monument Protection Bill Sponsors and their courage:
Rep. Dean Black Sen. Jonathan Martin
(R - Jacksonville) (R- Lee County)
House Bill Sponsor Senate Bill Sponsor
Make plans to join us on Tuesday evening, April 11th as Gov. Jeff Kottkamp will update us on the status of our monument protection legislation in Tallahassee. All contributors of $50 or more towards the 2023 Legislative Initiative will receive the participation details for Tuesday's call on Monday, April 10th. Click on the button NOW to sign up. The status of the endangered Arlington National Cemetery memorial will also be discussed